
Aisa Procurement Services offers variaties services. We support the import and export products between Europe and Asia, assist with product registration and can also carry out a sales market research for you.



Food and drinks

Import food and drink into Vietnam from Europe, Turkey, Russia…


Fresh cut flower

We support to import fresh cut flower to Asia (Vietnam, Philippines, …)


Water hyacinth

This is our new project. We support to import (Water hyacinth) Furniture from Vietnam into Europe.


Import – en export

Asia Procurement Services has been importing various products to Vietnam and other Asia countries : candy, toys, baby food, oil, frech cut flower,… You can find more information in our product groups.

We also support to import products into Europe. A good example is Water Hyacinth Furniture. You can find more information on this page, in our product groups.

We also perform various pruchasing services for our customers. For example, we arrange the purchase of fresh cut flowers and their distribution. In our product groups you can find more information about what we can do.

We can support import and export products, but we can also take a large part of the process under our responsibility, especially in the flower product group. With our experience, we can look for the right suppliers, ensure that the necessary document is correct, arrange logistics part, select good farms and carry out quality control.

Product registration

When you want to sell your products in an Asian country, such as Vietnam, and your products are new to the market, a commodity code must be arranged first. Only when the products has been registered, it may appear on the market. If this registration is not completed, the products simply will not clear customs. Asia Procurement Services helps you arrange product registration, so that you can export your products without any problems.

Sales market research

Are you planning to export to an Asian country. Then you probably first want to know if  there is a market for your products. Asia Procurement Services can conduct research for you to map out the possibilities in the sales market. With our experience and knowledge, we can give an opinion/advice quickly about the opportunities of your products on the Asian market.

For more information, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to see how we can help you.

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